- server pro korespondenční hru a studium mankalových her

Instructions - how it works here:

Registration, login, password change

When registering, you need to enter your chosen username, password (2x) and email. These items are mandatory. You can change your password on the login page using the forgotten password link. If the entered login and email match, you can set a new one. If no match is found, try registering as a new user. After registration, you can go to the settings or go directly to the main page. The email is checked manually by the administrator after registration or after its change. The latter then sets that it is usable. The reason for this measure is web robots.


In the settings, you can choose in which colors the board and balls are displayed, if you want to send email notifications about moves (by default YES), if you want to automatically refresh the page with the played game (by default NO), we strongly do not recommend setting less than 5s. You can also change your email and set some information about yourself. You can see the author data as an example for filling. Of course, no one else will see your data.


If you don't know the games, you can find the rules on the website


Any user of the server can be the organizer. They start the tournament using the form. The tournament will be displayed to the players in the Tournament Registration section. Registration is possible from the moment the registration starts (this can be set when creating the tournament). It is possible to participate in the tournament, which is drawn using the Swiss system, even after it has started. If a player cannot play all rounds for some reason, has the option to withdraw from the rounds of the tournament that have not yet been played. The tournament organizer can also deregister a player. The draw for individual rounds is initiated by the tournament organizer. This allows, for example, to have a shorter or longer break between rounds. The tournament takes place when at least 4 interested parties register, otherwise it is canceled when the draw is started. Of course, the tournament organizer can also participate in the tournament, and given that it lets you draw individual rounds, we recommend it.

log in       register

If you want to support this project, then just play here sometimes.

The google translate service was used for all the translation.